
Showing posts from February, 2017

Oh the places I've gone!!!

Change : because nothing exciting happens when we are content Emotions Here I am, on the other side of the world. In love with more than just the green landscapes, sheer cliffs, and magic greenery. Challenged by more than just the school work. Energized at night, fueled by conversation, and fatigued by day as I finish my 16 th mile on a normal class trek. I’ve pushed my body to limits I didn’t know I was training for & questioned my values as I find myself in situations I vowed to avoid. But, physically and spiritually, I am stronger than I have ever been. While a 30 degree incline tones the body, the same goes for internal questioning. The Big Guy Upstairs and I wouldn’t be in constant conversation if it wasn’t for all the questions I have been having all the time. Maybe they aren’t the conversations of saints, but it is better to spend time in silence, side-by-side, with loved ones rather than in separate rooms. We can plan all we want, but that doesn’t ...

Doing Wellington

Hello! It has been quite some time since I have been able to connect to wifi and awake enough to post. Now I am in Wellington, showered, eaten, still haven't slept, but ready to do some typing! This little plastic bag (me) has been floating through some pretty freaking awesome landscapes and I could not comprehend life, let alone BLOG about it. But before my memory runs out of storage, I must document all the places I have gone! First of all..... I’m getting really used to this sight for 5-8 hours at a time Let's see, where did I leave off...? Queenstown the greenest little city on the water, made of pub crawls and waterfalls Fork Farm/ Romney Sheep the mainland money-maker Wanaka lunch stop, but with views like this, who thinks they aren't dreaming? Aoraki "Cloud Piercer." Quite possibly the most humbling hike I have ever been on.  ...

Kia Kaha

Be strong and go with courage. (Maori) Well hello! Kia Ora! Welcome. I am from the future. As you read this, know that I am very happy tomorrow! Future me is walking through mystical forests of the Fiordland, smelling mists of waterfalls, drinking delicious instant coffee and singing waiatas. Future me is not getting enough sleep from long adventures and late night conversations, can’t walk from soreness and has never been this happy! I could easily tell you that Queenstown, New Zealand is very much like the Pacific Northwest (in wet weather and lush flora), but it has a magic in the air that I cannot even put into words. I have teared up from happiness staring at the Milky Way on the Mauna Kea volcanic peak (yes that is in Hawai’i), the 5,600+ foot summit of Ben Lomond, and staring at the Fiords of the Doubtful Sound. I know my wet emotions don’t hold much weight, since I cry at just about anything hinting at beauty, but let it be known that I am not the only person here that...