Que Pedo?

Aka ... What's farting?
I'm learning lots of spanish here is Gracias, Limpera... The safest town in Honduras. Originally out here to visit my sister, I have accomplished much more than that. After sleeping off twelve hours of travel on Sunday, my Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday have been a vacation unanticipated.
Monday was pretty basic: teaching 1st grade Honduran cuties all day then walking around town drinking coconuts and cocaine-infused coffee (literally). 

Tuesday is when your sister being best friend with the tightest Honduran in town comes in handy. First of all, he picks my other sister and I up at 10 am sharp for horseback riding and motorcycling. I ride there, then cycle back. Ellen learns how to break the law 
(women are not allowed to drive motorcycles since they might kill the men) 
and I find my spirit animal, seriously. I walked funny but it was worth it. Not to mention the blisters on both heels made from trying not to fall off. We rest at his farm (a magical places of banana trees, guava fruit, sheep, bunnies, and turkeys run amuck) while the horse eats.
I get on the motorcycle and we drive ahead to wait for ellen to stumble upon us from behind. She can't handle the horse- I get back on. 
Spirit animal. 

Then he takes us to a secret river to swim in that afternoon.

Literally a spot no one could pay money to find.
Believe it or not, today was better. 

Osmin, the homie Honduran, takes us to La Campa and we buy the most beautiful handmade pottery. 

when we get back he offers to take me on a motorcycle ride to corral his horses.. Be back in 30 min. 

Except that after we move the horses and motor through green brush and overhang to mango and tropical fruit, we stop by his uncles house to sample three totally different-tasting banana types out of the (hundreds?) he grows, as well as take a branch of bananas and mangoes for the road, AND some HOMEMADE TEQUILA. I held my prizes like gold. Offerings from a country I wouldn't dream I would bring home. Where in the world do opportunities like this happen? How often are you asked by strange Central American men to go on an adventure for two hours?

I had to mentally step out of dreamland on the ride back to realize that this was my life right now. 

And it's only Wednesday. 


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