2019: First Quarter; take me out coach
I haven't written in awhile. Honestly didn't want to sit down and format on my laptop, let alone unpack my thoughts. My eyes always feel burnt, my body is exhausted, and I've already used my allotted chunk of thought for the day. I won't write everything, I'm beyond trying to remember every detail, place, and face. I'll repost what I wrote when rhetoric hit me at every moment outside of the ones where I am in front of a screen...

January 18
I re-centered myself. I logged off. I did a lot of yoga and prioritized sleep.
I started making art again but I was unsatisfied. I was numb, unaware I was nauseous with homesickness.
January 18
Isn’t it funny when your
shadow of reality - the one standing right next to you all this time - slaps you
in the face and you have the gall to be surprised. It just hit me that one
day I won’t live in Bangkok. That one day, in the relatively near future, I won’t
be “the girl that lives across the world.” I’ll just be your neighbor that
you’ve seen every morning for the past x amount of years. The fact that I live here
will be just a reminiscent conversation topic that I’ll joke about, questioning
if it really did happen. The novelty. The attraction. The mystery about me will vanish and dissipate into a more relatable, indistinguishable reality.
January 21
Potted plants are just like caged
The shortest way home is
the longest road.
If I go back to
California I’m going straight to San Luis Obispo and I’m driving to the top of
that Cuesta Ridge mountain and watch the sun go down over Perfumo Canyon. I’ll go to
Laguna and swim in the emerald water and run down Montaña De Oro’s dunes.
Dunes!!! I’ll spend a whole day in the Oceano Dunes. Don’t bother looking for
me, I’ll die there happily. You’ll find me that night asleep in a booth at Frog
and Peach or in the corner on his lap. I want a High St sandwich, a nap with my
friends at Pirates, and to watch the sun go down on someone’s roof.
When something is good,
really good, and you have that moment of realization, pause and acknowledge it.
Appreciate it. And you’ll remember it forever.
I’m looking up photos of
California like they’re my ex.
I fasted. I scaled rocks and held onto nothing but freedom and adventure, not thinking of what it would be like to fall from this height. I won't lie, the risk was electrifying. I molted out of an era and tried out my new wings, loving how the wind felt on a motorcycle.
February 2
Throughout my life things
have alternated as the main priority, the top card. The task at hand that’s
always front of mind. It’d be devastation if it was in any way affected. Most
usually being school or work. Very rarely it has been God. What does that say
about my soul and intent?
February 5
I didn’t eat for 5 days
My heart spoke louder
and her hunger was fed first
Taking bites of the
portions of love set out so quickly
I slept better
My skin smoothed and
my hair grew long
The monsoon season came right on time: heavy and sudden. Just kidding they were my tears.
Public meltdowns become a social force field and frequent event. I jumped on trains to get away from alone time with myself. I sat down with God to chat.
I started singing again. I'm not numb anymore, I feel everything.
March 1
Sauté onion, garlic,
shallots in butter
Add fish sauce
Soy sauce
Brown sugar
Thai spice
Lots of lime
Baby corn
Coconut milk
White wine if want
Cook chicken in butter
Serve with lime, butter,
pepper, salt, & couscous
March 3
If I could relive February
over I’d live forever. A month of seeing places and feeling things. Spending
too much money and not getting enough rotti or sleep. Hard questions, no
brainers, rock climbing 101, all whilst riding a motorcycle. I finally feel like
I can feel the strength from my growing pains.
On the road to self discovery, the shortest way home is the longest road
On the road to self discovery, the shortest way home is the longest road
March 9
Ahhhhh another moment
I’d rather not look away from but would hate to not take note of.
The first golden light
streaming through the open windows of a train cracking and rocking over steel
tracks and through a banana leaf framed neighborhood. I have a slight headache
from an unsuspecting small cup of coffee. But isn’t that just Thailand? Big
surprises in small packages? Thai women, tiger balm, Thai chili, etc.
I am unphased. In awe.
But unsurprised by the quirkiness of this country, these people. I love them:
my new normal. Why did vietnam shake me? It surprised me.
Where can I go next that
will surprise me?
I think I’m going to
tell this story until I hate the sound of my own voice, but it’s important to
share and remember.
My friend was once a General Manager for a
Chiang Mai hotel. She hired a girl who soon came to her telling her how
under-qualified she felt in her job. How she knew there were more educated,
qualified, and talented people out there and wondered why she picked her.
My friend told her, “Ducks
can swim, but they’re not very good at it. Ducks can fly, but they’re not very
good at it either. Ducks are not good at one thing - they are no swan. But they are
pretty good at a little bit of everything. They are skilled. They are lively. They
are prao-plow. It is important you have both. You are a beautiful duck and that
it why you got the job."
March 10
I didn’t picture myself like this at 22.
I didn’t know what to expect exactly, I just thought I’d be under a familiar roof around people I’d known my whole life on the arm of a man I’d known for a reasonable amount of time doing household work or something else that made me feel validated. I never dreamt of Asia. I’m mean, going to New York alone used to give me anxiety. Quite honestly, everything gave me anxiety,... until I moved here and did everything but what I thought I could. I have a vivid memory of a man telling me I’d be without a job if pursuing my major. Instead, I snagged a spot on a pioneered profession. I didn’t know that would happen. And once I left home, I didn’t realize how much deeper I could breathe when I left the comfort of a crowded room, or realize how much more room was in my head when just my thoughts echoed back.
A little while ago someone asked how I was doing. I was taken back to Cass in college. Walking around, over-caffeinated and dazed, telling myself that my head was much bigger than the tiny home my brain felt stuffed into. I felt trapped and kind of just accepted that as my maximum capacity.
So, how am I? I feel like my brain is standing in the warehouse of my mind. I feel the tender roots of “home” under an unfamiliar roof around friends I’ve just met without any arm to hold but my own to strengthen, doing something that makes me feel quite validated.
I didn’t know what to expect exactly, I just thought I’d be under a familiar roof around people I’d known my whole life on the arm of a man I’d known for a reasonable amount of time doing household work or something else that made me feel validated. I never dreamt of Asia. I’m mean, going to New York alone used to give me anxiety. Quite honestly, everything gave me anxiety,... until I moved here and did everything but what I thought I could. I have a vivid memory of a man telling me I’d be without a job if pursuing my major. Instead, I snagged a spot on a pioneered profession. I didn’t know that would happen. And once I left home, I didn’t realize how much deeper I could breathe when I left the comfort of a crowded room, or realize how much more room was in my head when just my thoughts echoed back.
A little while ago someone asked how I was doing. I was taken back to Cass in college. Walking around, over-caffeinated and dazed, telling myself that my head was much bigger than the tiny home my brain felt stuffed into. I felt trapped and kind of just accepted that as my maximum capacity.
So, how am I? I feel like my brain is standing in the warehouse of my mind. I feel the tender roots of “home” under an unfamiliar roof around friends I’ve just met without any arm to hold but my own to strengthen, doing something that makes me feel quite validated.
March 31
I have this sneaking
suspicion that the most beautiful places in the world are in some land located
in someone’s locked lips. The more I discover those places the less I want to
share my own.
Be kind. Be tender-hearted. Don’t be malicious or greedy or proud. The loving person that moves
within the spirit, that’s a spiritual person. God does not see you through
actions, but by faith, by heart. That is why it is better to be a prostitute
than a proud, selfish, cold church-goer. But obviously it is better to be neither.
I am okay, I am loved, I am strong enough to do anything put out before me.
April 1
Just when I think my time spent has peaked, I discover even
more hidden corners of the world and myself. As I look back, I realize I kept
hearing the same phrase in various forms: “you don’t need to understand
everything.” but you must never stop seeking.
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