Dope As
"_____ as" : the way kiwis and Aussies say AF
Updating this blog has been a struggle when you're given sunny days and shared wifi with five girls...
I never thought I would see writing or blogging as a burden. But it is. When I have a whole world out the front door, I lose all appetite for strategic, well planned blogging, Facebook over-sharing, Snapchat stalking, or even Facetiming my whole day away. My parents must be German sausage makers because I am the WURST.

(I already have a huge questionable spider bite on my leg)
Updating this blog has been a struggle when you're given sunny days and shared wifi with five girls...
I never thought I would see writing or blogging as a burden. But it is. When I have a whole world out the front door, I lose all appetite for strategic, well planned blogging, Facebook over-sharing, Snapchat stalking, or even Facetiming my whole day away. My parents must be German sausage makers because I am the WURST.
Last week was spring break (yes we had a break during this
study abroad, and yes we deserved it) and that is 100% the reason why I didn’t
post anything. I was elbows deep in long car rides, conversations with locals,
free jet ski rides, mud, waterfalls, blue water, rapids, drinking freshwater
lakes, cliff jumping, hobbit homes, free cider, sketchy hostels, natural
bouldering, local clubs, Trout craft beer, blue lakes, and skinning up those
elbows on luge runs.
I was surrounded by everything that reminds me of the
opposite of technology.
And good news! The world is not as scary of a place as I
thought, and as a result, I have fallen in love with my one suitcase of
clothes, budgeting cheap dinner meals, instant coffee, and making a big deal
out of putting on mascara.
I am revived with life. But, not in the way I hoped I would
be where I could be prompted with a challenging introspective question and have
a surplus of thoughts to pool from. More of in the way that life is just being
swallowed whole by every sensory nerve without being digested and I have no
idea what is inside me except adventure. That is a good thing, right? I mean,
even though I don’t know how it tastes, the hunger for more doesn’t subside. I
want to keep going and going and going. But, it’s like a tangled knot inside me
that I have no desire or energy to pick apart and inspect since taking such
time might cause me to miss the next adventure to experience. Would you even
call it experiencing? I have a fear my lack of understanding and introspection
is sourced from a desensitization to adventure. Like,…. I am unimpressed with
life right now since I have grown a tolerance to the continual excitement and
thrill it has given me for four weeks. That is a terrifying thought. I am
praying that the numbness is actually from sleep deprivation and my
ever-growing caffeine addiction.
In order to cope with my lack of time and energy to reflect
and write about my experiences, I have started verbally journaling with friends
here who can help me digest my thoughts and feelings. I’m not so good at
writing, but I am good at sharing my feelings and connecting with people. I
guess I have no choice but to stay friends with them forever in order to
preserve my thoughts
When I said we deserved the spring break, I meant it. I went
from all-nighters talking to locals, to all -nighters writing a 6-page paper,
reading 5 articles, and preparing for 2 modules in a 5 day window. Australia is
known for its extremities, but I didn’t expect my teachers to apply it to the
curriculum. Imagine floating down a river of peace, happiness, and pizza, then
suddenly losing everything (but the pizza) and you’re suddenly crashing down
rapids with no sense of warning or time to recover. That is my life right now. I literally eat pizza for every meal.
I was in Sydney, now have moved north to Noosa. Sydney was
beautiful. Like, every-person-you-walk-by-looks-famous kind of beautiful. It’s
the best and worst thing ever. Our hostel overlooked the Opera House. We went
to a show the other day and my friends convinced me to sing, so I sang Caro Mio
Ben in the Sydney freaking Opera House to an audience of maybe 8. It was a
moment of pure elation, emotion, achievement, and triumph. I was not numb in
that moment. I felt all kinds of things.
Now Noosa is crawling with beautiful tan, blonde, shirtless
surfers. I think it may have something to do with a surfing competition going
on? It could also be how they dress on a Wednesday.
After being in Sydney, a relatively touristic, international city,
I didn’t quite feel far from my Cali home. Now, after hiking in arid coastline,
looking at silk-blue water, and galloping down remote nude beaches and spotting
Koalas, I have been transported. I AM DOWN UNDA
Let me break down where I have been the past two weeks
my short term memory and my mother’s sake)
Lake Taupo/Bulli Point

(I already have a huge questionable spider bite on my leg)
Pray I survive the outback this week!
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