
Showing posts from 2017

Bula Bula

Bula Bula (pronounced bulam bula): " Hello," "Good day" "Good bye" in Fijian Back to reality... I left you at the end of my spring break, but I think I'm going to remain lost. I guess I'm never going to find where this wanderlust ends. I've been tripping and trekking and following the white rabbit down dirt roads and into black water. I saw creatures I've never imagined and fell in love with faces I hope to see again and islands spirits I never wish to meet again. You don't walk out of this trip the same. Here is a brief overview on how the rest of this journey went.... Carnarvon Gorge  We say hi to the curious wallabies on our way to class, and don't look down when crossing blackwater. Why.... because this is what is lining the rocks above water... I'm not crying, are you? Our final hike in the outback led us to breathtaking ascents... On our way back to civilization we stopped for homes...

Dope As

"_____ as" : the way kiwis and Aussies say AF Updating this blog has been a struggle when you're given sunny days and shared wifi with five girls... I never thought I would see writing or blogging as a burden. But it is. When I have a whole world out the front door, I lose all appetite for strategic, well planned blogging, Facebook over-sharing, Snapchat stalking, or even Facetiming my whole day away. My parents must be German sausage makers because I am the WURST. Last week was spring break (yes we had a break during this study abroad, and yes we deserved it) and that is 100% the reason why I didn’t post anything. I was elbows deep in long car rides, conversations with locals, free jet ski rides, mud, waterfalls, blue water, rapids, drinking freshwater lakes, cliff jumping, hobbit homes, free cider, sketchy hostels, natural bouldering, local clubs, Trout craft beer, blue lakes, and skinning up those elbows on luge runs. I was surrounded by everything that remi...

Oh the places I've gone!!!

Change : because nothing exciting happens when we are content Emotions Here I am, on the other side of the world. In love with more than just the green landscapes, sheer cliffs, and magic greenery. Challenged by more than just the school work. Energized at night, fueled by conversation, and fatigued by day as I finish my 16 th mile on a normal class trek. I’ve pushed my body to limits I didn’t know I was training for & questioned my values as I find myself in situations I vowed to avoid. But, physically and spiritually, I am stronger than I have ever been. While a 30 degree incline tones the body, the same goes for internal questioning. The Big Guy Upstairs and I wouldn’t be in constant conversation if it wasn’t for all the questions I have been having all the time. Maybe they aren’t the conversations of saints, but it is better to spend time in silence, side-by-side, with loved ones rather than in separate rooms. We can plan all we want, but that doesn’t ...