Same Same, but Diffferent

Almost 3 months here. My life in กรุงเทพมหานคร (Bangkok) is halfway complete and I don't know how to feel about it. Did you know Thai people actually call Bangkok Grun-tep, which means, "area of angels" "Thailand" is just the word everyone else uses Time is simply flying by and I know I will miss this warm feather-like humid air and population of independent women who chase ladies nights and adventure as much as I do. In January, I jump on a plane and move to a new Asian Destination for Part II of my training program. And at this point of my journey I feel all sorts of things about leaving. Its hard to clearly communicate, but in so few words, the way I feel about leaving is the same way I feel about leaving a really fun party right when my favorite song comes on. I am at my peak time of growth and maturity, but yet know I am in the peak years of youth! Making friends, taking risks, travelling alone. Would it be strange to say Bangkok is like a ro...