Dope As

"_____ as" : the way kiwis and Aussies say AF Updating this blog has been a struggle when you're given sunny days and shared wifi with five girls... I never thought I would see writing or blogging as a burden. But it is. When I have a whole world out the front door, I lose all appetite for strategic, well planned blogging, Facebook over-sharing, Snapchat stalking, or even Facetiming my whole day away. My parents must be German sausage makers because I am the WURST. Last week was spring break (yes we had a break during this study abroad, and yes we deserved it) and that is 100% the reason why I didn’t post anything. I was elbows deep in long car rides, conversations with locals, free jet ski rides, mud, waterfalls, blue water, rapids, drinking freshwater lakes, cliff jumping, hobbit homes, free cider, sketchy hostels, natural bouldering, local clubs, Trout craft beer, blue lakes, and skinning up those elbows on luge runs. I was surrounded by everything that remi...