cogelo suave
I’m weighed down by my mothers worries and her rich Italian cooking. No worries, I’ll shed the weight soon after I fully commit to a lesser lifestyle of looser timetables and overlooked preservatives. It’s hot here. A familiar heat. No te preocupes! Maybe you follow this blog because your my crazy Aunt Val you ships all my endeavors (shoutout a Aunt Val) or maybe you truly care how I navigate my unique travel experience, regardless thank you for following. Since I’ve taken a 5 month hiatus of family time and recalibration into a new profession I’ve be awarded time to myself and time within myself and realized that without the Thai beaches and backdrops, I am quite insecure. Questioning of my beauty and capability, and, sadly, my value to a man. It sounds more pathetic than it feels, but hey, life is a journey and this is where I am. If this isn’t what you’re into reading about, ok? ...But, regardless, I am quite self aware. I’ll boast about that. It’s something I’ve really beco...