North, South, and everywhere in between

A month has gone by and to let November's events go unrecorded would unforgiving. In an effort to be a self-knowing woman, I'm continuously and brutally honest with myself, discovering that my current ongoing struggle is being able to hold onto the memories that keep passing with each train. Not finding my way through a grocery store or connecting with a culture inherently opposite to mine; my struggles consists of basically having too much fun and not enough mental memory space. With each ticket up and down this country, my butter spread of knowledge's edge creeps farther, but also thinner. To sit down with my thoughts is like a homecoming traveler lying down in her childhood bed. My back is strong but it is string compared to the rope that pulls me back to a conversation with myself. My feet met miles of earth, aching and oozing with blisters, bug bite constellations, raised scars, and well endowed muscle retention, but all of those are minor ailments compared to th...